Load Testing Benchmark Summary
Re-ran a stress loading test run against the recently updated Centmin Mod web site front index page with 3 additional information boxes just to see how it holds up handling a ramp up load test of up to 1,000 concurrent users over a 60 second period. Looks like ~17% improvement over last run back on February 27th, 2013 and zero timeouts and faster average response times from 268ms down to 81ms (due to web host moving VPSes to Las Vegas datacanter so closer to test server location) !.
This rush generated 27,056 successful hits in 1.0 min and we transferred 170.13 MB of data in and out of your app. The average hit rate of 414/second translates to about 35,848,382 hits/day.
The average response time was 81 ms.
-r california -p 1-1000:60 -T 10000 -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch" -H "Accept: /"